docweaselblog :: moved to

docweaselblog :: moved to because blogger blows goats

Sunday, October 31, 2004


docweaselblog moved to wordpress

docweaselblog has moved to

Because blogger sUxx3rZ

If you are still using blogger, you suck.

Get a decent blog like wordpress and stop sucking so much, because right now you are sucking hard, like 1980's vintage Anna Nicole in a room full of billionaires.

Or better yet, just quit blogging. No one cares what you think. You click your stats 5x a day to see is someone hit your gay little blog by mistake because you mentioned Paris Hilton nude once. Not one person has ever read one of your worthless posts all the way through. The only hits you get are google misdirects. Why do you bother? Oh yeah, because you have no life and you hate yourself so you feel the need to annoy others.

You pathetic fuck. Are you still reading this? God, you really are a sick little cocksucker, aren't you? You should just kill yourself. Don't think about it, just do it. Step in front of the fast moving truck, you've had the impulse before, just do it. You know it's how it will end eventually, anyway.


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Sunday, October 31, 2004  

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